Gloop gloop went the little green frog one day (slap thighs on each gloop)
Gloop gloop said the little
green frog (repeat actions)
Gloop gloop went the little green frog one day (repeat actions)
And they all went gloop
gloop glob (repeat actions, extra slap on glob)
We know frogs go la di da di da (clap after
word go)
La di da di da (arms out stand on one leg and wave hands, Switch legs/sides on La di da
di da every la di da)
We know frogs go la di da di da
Don`t go gloop gloop glob (
usual slapping of thighs here)
Alternative chorus
We know frogs go pop in the microwave
Splat when you
step on them
Squelch on the motorway
We know frogs go (fart noise) when you tickle them, don`t go gloop gloop glob
There are also other verses involving growly bears, buzzy bees, pink phones and choo choo trains but you
can make up your own actions.